soda lime glass refractive index
soda lime glass refractive index

Theseglassesarepreciselyformulatedtoofferspecificproperties,suchaslowchromaticaberrationorhighlighttransmittanceacrossdifferentspectral ...,由JRBPaião著作·2001·被引用5次—Therayemergesatanangleawithrespecttothenormaltoglasssurface.Sinceinanhomogen...

Measurement of the refractive index of electrically poled ...

由ROven著作·2016·被引用15次—Theindexofapoledsoda-limeglasshasalsobeenmeasuredusingastandardAbberefractometer[21].TheseresultsindicatedanRIbetween1.51and1.46but ...

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Refractive index of Soda lime glass - Rubin

These glasses are precisely formulated to offer specific properties, such as low chromatic aberration or high light transmittance across different spectral ...


由 JRB Paião 著作 · 2001 · 被引用 5 次 — The ray emerges at an angle a with respect to the normal to glass surface. Since in an homogeneous glass with refractive index n0, the ray entering under angle ...

Measurement of the refractive index of electrically poled ...

由 R Oven 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 15 次 — The index of a poled soda-lime glass has also been measured using a standard Abbe refractometer [21]. These results indicated an RI between 1.51 and 1.46 but ...

Refractive index of Soda lime glass - Rubin

These glasses are precisely formulated to offer specific properties, such as low chromatic aberration or high light transmittance across different spectral ...

Optical properties of soda

由 RA Synowicki 著作 · 2011 · 被引用 66 次 — The air side of soda-lime glass typically shows a refractive index of approximately 1.51 to 1.52 at visible wavelengths. The tin side of ...

Refractive index of GLASS - soda-lime

These glasses are precisely formulated to offer specific properties, such as low chromatic aberration or high light transmittance across different spectral ...

Refractive index of Soda lime glass - Rubin

These glasses are precisely formulated to offer specific properties, such as low chromatic aberration or high light transmittance across different spectral ...


Theseglassesarepreciselyformulatedtoofferspecificproperties,suchaslowchromaticaberrationorhighlighttransmittanceacrossdifferentspectral ...,由JRBPaião著作·2001·被引用5次—Therayemergesatanangleawithrespecttothenormaltoglasssurface.Sinceinanhomogeneousglasswithrefractiveindexn0,therayenteringunderangle ...,由ROven著作·2016·被引用15次—Theindexofapoledsoda-limeglasshasalsobeenmeasuredusingastandar...